Formula to turn-on turn-off parts, if A1 equal then x, or A1 equal y

Create a formula to turn-on or turn-off part in the custom component.

=if ((A1=="A14")||(A1=="A13")||(A1=="A12")||(A1=="A11")||(A1=="A10")||(A1=="A9")||(A1=="A8")||(A1=="A7")||(A1=="A6")||(A1=="A5")||(A1=="A4")||(A1=="A3/2")) then 1 else 0 endif

So, this formula meaning; if Field A1 have a countain iqual then "A14" or "A13" or "A12" or "A11" or "A10" or "A9" etc... then


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